Shipping & Return Policy

Josh Jakobs

Shipping & Return Policy

General Shipping Policies:

  • Please allow 5 - 7 business days for all orders to be fulfilled. Orders are not fulfilled over the weekend. Order fulfillments do not include shipping transit time. Shipping transit times vary depending on your shipping address. Please see below for more information on transit times. 
  • Once an order has been marked as "fulfilled", you will receive a shipment confirmation email to the email address provided under your order. Please check your "junk" mailbox as sometimes confirmation emails may end up there. All shipment confirmation emails contain tracking numbers.
  • For more information on shipping policies and the refund/return policies, please keep reading below.
Domestic Shipping Policies: 
  • Domestic orders should typically arrive between 3 to 5 business days after your order has been shipped.
International Shipping Policies:
  • International orders may take up to 2 business weeks to arrive.
  • Please note: once an international order has left the United States, the order is turned over to the local postal service for your country. For questions regarding the tracking and status of your order, once it has left the United States, please direct your inquiries to your local postal service. 
  • Please note: Certain countries require a customs fee be paid for any merchandise purchased outside of your country. We are not responsible for applicable customs fees. Failure to pay customs fees may result in your item being rejected entry and it being returned back to our warehouse. For more information regarding returned orders please read our "Return Policies" section below.
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR AUSTRALIA ORDERS: As of July 1st, 2018, all imports into Australia will be subject to a new 10% GST tax on low-value goods. We are not responsible for any additional taxes your country of origin may place on imported goods. No refunds will be issued due to a failure to pay required import taxes and orders WILL NOT be reshipped if they are returned to our warehouse due to a failure to pay required import taxes. For more information please visit:

Return and Refund Policies:

  • All orders are final. There are no exchanges or refunds issued once an order has been placed.
  • Refunds are not issued for orders that were unable to be delivered due to insufficient or incomplete shipping addresses provided under your order. If an order is returned to our warehouse due to a failure to pay customs fees (International Orders only), was returned because of an insufficient address provided under your original order, was refused by the sender or sent to an address that is no longer valid, you will be required to pay an additional postage fee to have your item reshipped.
  • Orders that are returned will be held in our warehouse for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, unclaimed orders are added back into inventory. If an order is returned to our warehouse, we will reach out to the email address provided under your original order and give detailed instructions on how to claim and have your item reshipped.
  • Refunds are issued on a case-by-case basis and are only issued for one of the below reasons:
1) You received an incorrect order.
2) You received wrongly shipped items.
3) You received the wrong item in your shipment.
4) Your order was missing items from your original order.